Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Liam's 6 Month Visit with Dr. Doan

Stats! :)

09/09/13 8.848 kg (19 lb 8.1 oz) (81.35%*)

09/09/13 0.711 m (2' 4") (91.63%*)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

xxx Liam Turns SIX Months xxx

My baby boy turned six months yesterday!

We have his 6 month check up on the 9th so we will get a few more shots and find out his weight and height!

Liam is rolling over, sitting up all on his own, and blabbering all sorts of fun sounds. We started him this past month on rice cereal and pears. He has also started eating puffs.  He is the best little sleeper and has such a happy personality. He does drool and spit up way more then Kourtney ever did so we always have a burp rag ready. He loves his sister just as much as she loves him. I could tell he was looking around and wondering where she was when she was at school today. I think he really missed her.

I love listening to him giggle and watching him in the bath tub.

He loves to go for walks in the stroller and doesn't seem to care much for the baby backpack which Kourtney loved.

Big sis photo bomb!

Kourtney Starts Preschool!

Kourtney started preschool on Tuesday! She is going to Adventure Christian School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-12:30. So far she has gone two full days and has seemed so happy at pick-up time.  Her teachers name is Mrs. Foss. Kourtney already had a few little friends in her class so that was exciting! Both my friends Cari & Lily have their kids at Adventure too. (Charlotte and Lucas) Kourtney actually has quite a few more friends at school here just not in her class. ACS goes from preschool-8th grade.

Kourtney had fun picking out her dress and hair bow for school. She loves yellow and orange right now.  The whole family went to take Kourtney on her first day. We are so proud of how amazing she is and are really excited to watch her grow this year!

As usually Kourtney was too excited to sit still for pictures so the few I got are not the best. I am going to get a few start of school pictures this weekend though so hopefully that will go well :)

Here are a few pictures from last weeks preschool open house/meet the teacher day!

Kourtney & Charlie *HUGS*

Decorating her savings bank for the kids in Japan.

Measuring with the sand.


Mrs. Foss & Kourtney

Daddy and Liam helping Kourtney with her play dough.

New friends & Old friends. (Lucas in the stripes)

More box decorating with Charlie.
These next set of pictures are from her first day of school but like I said they aren't the best set. We were WAY to excited to sit still!

Today I tried to get a few better pictures...not sure I succeeded but here they are :)

These last two are from when I picked her up.... from the looks of her sweater I'd say she had a great day :)