Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 18 :)

Well the rain is gone and Miss Kourtney and momma are so happy to be able to get back out on the walking path :)

We are taking our sweet baby to her 4 month appointment today! I am kinda excited to see her growth progress from her two month appointment. I will try and post again this afternoon to post her stats :)

Tuesdays are the start of my weekend :) So today I have a lot of things I need to get done starting with this blog, and then moving on to cleaning the house, dishes, laundry, and a few errands. Kourtney just went down for a nap so hopefully I can get a few things done while she is sleeping ever so peacefully :)

Still working on my fitness. I have had the pleasure of having Meaghan meet me at the gym to get my butt in gear :) I am making slow progress on the baby weight but progress is the important part.

I am helping Kim and Jackie throw my best friend Bekki a baby shower Sunday! I'm so very excited! Baby showers are the most fun :) Yummy food and games ..... Eeeee!!!!

Zach is keeping busy with work and having fun playing with Kourtney on his days off! Zach picked up a exerciser from Jeff & Autumn for Kourtney to play with this past weekend. As soon as shes  jumping around in it I will be sure to post pictures :)

Well I am keeping this post short BUT I am including a few videos!!! Hope you enjoy :)

This one is short but I love watching her move her lips like this, sooo cute :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

~Week 17~

Time is flying by and this last month Kourtney has started to do so many new fun things. She has started talking sooooo much more. It is so cute listening to her make all her little cooing noises. She loves looking at big colorful pictures in her books, and on TV. She has started rolling over, although so far she can only go half way :) She get from her back to her belly really easily but watching her try to do anything from that point is just kinda funny. You can really tell how frustrated she is that she can't flip all the way over or crawl yet. Soon, I am sure.  She also int he past few weeks has started to try and stand. She has the strongest little legs for being so young! (Must be all that softball Momma played while she was int he belly ;) ) I love watching all of her milestones although it is bittersweet as I know they only get bigger :( We already had to get a tub to put the clothes she's already outgrown in. She is now moving into 6 month size clothes and we are sad to be putting away all the little tiny clothes. I always thought it was silly when people had a hard time giving away baby clothes BUT now I get it! I had tears in my eyes folding up all the clothes and putting them away. :(''''  If anyone knows anyone with a little girl a few months/years ahead of Kourtney who is looking to pass on some clothes.... we are open to hand me downs! :) Please, Please, Please :)

This past week, Zach played hooky and we all hung out as a family. We cleaned out our closet and donated TONS of clothes to the Goodwill. I can't believe how good our walk-in looks. We went to the mall and got a few new things like new socks and a few new pair of jeans. We had a good time just hanging out together. Our lives can get so busy sometimes we forget to stop and enjoy each other.  

We have a appointment to get Kourtney her passport on Monday morning as we will be taking our first family vacation to Mexico in June! We will be going to Cabo and we just found out our trip is going to overlap with Jeff and Autumn's trip to Cabo as well! How exciting!!! Zach and I are REALLY looking forward to getting a break! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 3rd, 2011 Kourtney and I took her very first plane ride together! We had a easy and safe trip. I fed her on take off and landing to help her ears and she slept most of the way in between :) Good Girl!!! We stayed at my parents house and got to spend lots of time with my parents who are overly happy to have Kourtney as their grand baby! Kourtney also got to meet her aunt Kaity and her two uncles; Seneca & Jordan! Kourtney got to see her first snow fall and go for her first car ride in the snow. She also got to meet her cousins on my dads side and her great aunts & uncles. Lucky Miss Kourtney also got to spend time with her great grandma and pa Berg!

We visited the great Mall Of America, shoveled the driveway together after the snow fell, and had lots of really great meals with friends!

Although Kourtney has been kinda fussy for the past few weeks, she was great on the airplane (Thank God!) and was good for most of the week. Meltdowns only occurring after really long busy days!

Unfortunately, upon arrival to MN Kourtney and I received bad news from Zach that Kramer had passed away :(*** We know that Kramer was a great puppy and hopefully he passed away in his sleep peacefully!  We will miss him dearly!

Here are a few pictures from our trip :)