Friday, April 22, 2011

Clements Family Goes to A RIVER CATS GAME!!!!

 Kourtney had a blast attending her very first baseball game!

Lake Tahoe

I took a sick day on Tuesday and took baby Kourtney to Lake Tahoe to play  with family and friends! We stopped at the Wymore's cabin on the way up to visit grandpa & grandma Clements. Here are a few pictures form our trip.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kourtney's 4 Month Appointment with Dr.Doan!

Well I took Kourtney to her 4 month appointment (3/29) and she did great! He said she is a lot stronger then most babies her age and predicted a early walker! Uh-Oh! She weighed 17# and 8.3oz. She is 26 inches long, and her head measures in at 16 1/4 inches.

We are so excited to see her grow as she is doing new things daily. During this last week, I got up to get the middle of the night to find that she has found her FEET!!!! So cute when babies hold there feet! Now it seams like all she wants to do is hold her feet or suck on her toes. She is definitely proud of the fact that she has little feet :)

She also is starting to babble, coo, smile, and laugh more and more! She is getting so good at grasping for her toys and being able to hold onto her little binkie.

The downside to all this new "grasping" action is that she has also figured out that mommy has hear and like to wear nice earrings and necklaces. I guess it's time for a hair tie for a little while, and the earrings are going to have to be smaller :/

I am also looking into joining some moms groups for support in Rocklin. I think it would be nice to be able to go walking with some of the local girls with babies Kourtney's age! If anyone has any advice as to wear to join a group....please share!

Kourtney still isn't back to her good sleep habits yet so I have decided to go part time with my job for a while. No amount of money is worth the craziness my life has been since I went back to work. I love being with my baby girl and we are grateful to be able to have such a hard working daddy/husband who will be able to take care of us :)

The Dr. talked to us about starting solid foods.....but we have decided to wait a little longer to start her on solid food. Although I am so excited to be able to try and make baby food!!!!

Well, that's about all the updates for now :)

Ear Piercing @ The Galleria Mall


Step One:

Step Two:

Step Three:

Step 4 :)