Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kourtney is TWO months!

Kourtney is two months. I took her to her two month appointment on the 21st of January. She weighed in at 12# 11oz., she has grown 3 inches and now is 22 1/2 inches long. We also got her started with her shot series. She had a Hepatitis shot right when she was born so at this appointment she got her second one. She did really well with her shots. She cried for a second then went to sleep. It was hard to watch her got poked but since she was over it in like three min. it wasn't to bad on my heart.

She is starting to play more and more and it is so exciting to watch her learn new things.  I got a great picture of her this morning in her cute strawberry hat :) I have to find a few more cute hats to get her in before she is to big! Kourtney and I went to have a play-date with Lily and Lucas today and I think Kourtney & Lucas liked each other. So cute to see babies play with other babies.

Zach surprised me and had some profesional pictures taken of Kourtney last weekend. I am blessed to have such a thoughtful husband. Grandma & Grandpa, pictures are on there way :)

Zachariah and I both have birthdays coming up. We aren't sure what were going to do but it will be fun to celebrate since we have Kourtney to help us this year <3


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back to Work & Busy as can be!

Well being back to work the past two weeks has been a crazy overhaul of my life! I am usually so organized and ready to go but having a baby has slowed me down. Still dealing with some complications from the birth of my baby I am a little more tired then usual but I am not going down without a fight. I am trying to stay as active as I can be to help ward of some of this baby weight and hopefully be ready for a swimsuit this summer! I have seen so many cute suits for Kourtney! I need to read up on babies sun intake and good sunscreen! Any advice? I do feel more accomplished then I ever have in my life. I feel happy to be still floating and able to do all the things I want to be doing right now. A lot of people told me I would miss being able to do certain things when I had Kourtney but I feel like I can do so much more. Even though it is sometimes more work it just makes it that much more satisfying to me when I go after it anyway! Kourtney is really enjoying her time that she gets to spend with her aunt Vanessa and cousins on Thursday and Friday for a few hours. She always comes home so happy :)

Kramer is getting old and starting to have more accidents in the house :( Poor old man! He is doing well on all other aspects besides that though!

Kourtney is 8 weeks old today and becoming more and more alive as she grows with every breath. She is starting to attempt her full smile more and she is quite the good night time sleeper now! (mom loves that part) I do still have to get up to pump but it's ok, at this point I am easy to put back to sleep! LOL

I am looking forward to going back to MN to see my family and friends with Kourtney although I am super nervous to fly alone so I hope Zach and I can work out our schedules so we can go together! I have been hearing that some airlines want to start charging for infants under 2! That is crazy, they can't sit in there own seat yet!!! I have decided I will boycott whatever airlines do that! I can't wait for Kourtney to meet her other great grandparents, aunts, and uncles! Oh and see some snow!!!! :)

Kourtneys 2 month appointment is coming up this week on Friday and I feel like it is her two week appointment. People aren't lying about how fast time flies!

Zach and I are also getting really close to getting one year older here in a few weeks. Zach turning 32 and I will be one step closer to 30 at the ripe old age of 28!

I hope to post new picture soon and send out baby announcements very soon! Please get me your address if you want one :)

Love you all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 7

Well week seven is here! I can hardly believe how big she is already! Last week I went back to work and it was a long week let me tell you. I miss being home with her but I am really glad we have arranged a way to keep her out of daycare for now :)

She will have her 2 month appointment with her pediatrician on the 21st. Dr. Doan is such a nice guy and we are happy to have a good Dr. to watch over her!

I am starting my fitness plan now so I can shred this baby weight quick! Hopefully I can loose some by my birthday!

Zach is working four days and has three off to watch Kourtney. Yesterday he had a play date with his cousin Jeff and his two kids. How cute!

Kramer is getting old and starting to make a few messes in the house, so we are taking extra good care of him as he might be on his last leg.

We hope to get pictures of Kourtney taken  next weekend before she starts getting waaay to big! I wish I woulda had more time when she was brand new but being a first time mom is super overwhelming.